Through his work, Jon has developed highly effective methods for discovering and implementing catalytic strategies that transform organizations and maximize impact in pursuit of bold visions. His strategies have resulted in organizational budgets growing ten-fold and exponential increases in the number of children and families served. Jon has codified his strategy, planning, and organizational development process into a Strategic Impact Model designed to help other organizations transform, scale, and maximize their impact.
Jon has been an avid student of board governance for his entire career. He has seen first-hand the devastation that board governance challenges can cause, as well as the extraordinary value of effective governance. Jon has drawn from his formal training and real-world experience to develop a highly adaptable Dynamic Governance Model that removes ambiguity and enables both boards and CEOs to excel in their respective roles and responsibilities.
Perhaps what Jon is best known for, however, is purpose-driven mergers and alliances. As a CEO, Jon formed dozens of high-impact multi-sector partnerships and executed six mergers. Jon’s ability to create mutually beneficial partnerships and utilize mergers as a strategy for creating much stronger organizations with greater impact has been a significant contributor to the success of the organizations he has led and those with whom he has consulted.
Although much of Jon’s leisure time is spent reading spell-binding books on strategy, organizational development, and board governance, he loves spending time with his adult children and three grandkids, as well as hiking, traveling to new places, discovering good food and drinks, weight training, and van camping.