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What They’re Saying

Jon’s results should put him at the very top of every organization’s consultant list when they are ready to transform, scale, or partner in order to improve performance and impact. He is a seasoned professional who is able to help you assess, strategize, and execute, while serving as a trusted advisor and thought partner to boards and senior leaders. I strongly encourage you to call Strategic Impact and meet Jon Botten before you select a different consultant.

Janet Boguch, MA, PCCWide Angle Coaching™

Jon’s leadership, knowledge, and skills have been invaluable to our organization. His unwavering devotion to the community exemplifies strong moral fiber and character. He is a trustworthy individual and is an excellent leader, consultant, and coach. His ability to run a nonprofit at the level of a Fortune 500 company sets him apart as one of the top executive leaders in the country.

Ryan VanQuill, ConsultantBoard Member

Jon is an extraordinary leader and consultant that brings together inspiring vision and critical detail to move people forward. I was impressed with how Jon boldly pioneered new management approaches that facilitated breakthrough results. Always the student, Jon is constantly on the lookout for new ways to unleash potential in others. He is highly respected and has a strong record of results. Jon is an amazing leader, facilitator, and entrepreneur…an executive of extremely high caliber.

Christian Anibarro, Consultant

In the 25+ years I have known Jon Botten we have partnered on numerous projects together including the development of a social enterprise from the ground up, expanding the sales of a medical device internationally, and strategic and business planning for an 8-million-dollar organization. Without exception, Jon has exceeded expectations in all aspects of vision, strategy, execution. Personally, Jon has been a mentor and coach in my professional career, often providing sound wisdom and practical solutions that are born out of his extraordinary depth and breadth of experience and knowledge. Any organization that desires greater scale or impact will benefit tremendously by working with him.

Christie Skoorsmith, US Sales ManagerBodypoint, Inc

Jon is a motivating leader with amazing vision of what can be. He is not afraid to try new strategies and take on the challenge of change and continuous improvement. Under Jon’s leadership and coaching, I have developed my abilities to be a stronger individual and leader. Jon quietly lifts up others and helps them find their inner potential.

Sandy Carlson, Program Director

Jon has constantly pressed the Board to think bigger about the good we could do in the world, while always making sure the growth was accomplished responsibly.

Chad Horner, AttorneyBoard Member

As a Board member, I have seen Jon detect the need for changes early, and work together with the staff and Board to make timely adaptations that assured continued fiscal health. From my association with Jon and from input received from staff members, Jon is loved and highly regarded by both staff and Board.

Pamela A, Mullens, PhDBoard Member

Jon is a nonprofit ecosystem guru. He’s able to see how things fit together to fuel a bigger picture and greater impact – organizational and societal. Jon is a leader in forming mergers and alliances between entities to improve outcomes and ensure the sustainable impact of all included. Jon’s curiosity, humility, intentionality, and strategic mind make him the perfect partner to support any M&A endeavor.

Heidi Durham, former CEOArt with Heart

The first word that comes to mind when I think of Jon is visionary. He transformed a small organization on the brink of failure into a thriving industry leader. He not only had the vision for what the organization could become, he had the business, strategic, execution, and people skills to realize his vision. If you are looking for a game-changing consultant who possesses the attitude, aptitude, and abilities to help your team and organization succeed – you will be hard pressed to find a better option than Jon Botten.

George Adams, ConsultantBoard Member

Jon is an inspiring and engaging visionary leader who always keeps his focus on the ultimate purpose of the effort. He is a fantastic collaborator, and naturally seeks out opportunities to partner with others towards increasing impact. Jon has a keen ability to translate a vision into a clear strategic plan that incorporates and respects all stakeholders. He communicates in a clear, compelling, and engaging manner, but more importantly, he is a consummate listener. Jon has a passion for making our world a just, equitable and healing place for all. It is an absolute pleasure to work with him.

Nela Cumming, MSW, Executive DirectorEncompass

Jon is a creative, insightful exec who led our organization to dramatic growth and financial security while other providers failed in this challenging environment. A keen strategist and dedicated leader with expertise in people management, partnership development, and achievement through cooperative teamwork. He is mutually respected within the organization and throughout the industry.

Linda Thompson, Program Director

The characteristics that stand out the most are Jon’s vision, strategy, fostering of culture, entrepreneurial spirit, and unsurpassed work ethic. Jon leads by example, he listens, and he empowers the people around him to be the best they can be.

Karen Stedman, Program Director

Jon Botten is a humble leader who has extraordinary innate talent, combined with exceptional experience in staff leadership, financial management, development, strategic planning, process improvement, partnership development, and creative problem solving. Within this amazing package, you also will enjoy Jon’s humility that allows others to blossom.

Gay Lloyd Pinder, PhDFounder of CTC

As a consultant, and employee, I have worked in a variety of organizations and have rarely seen the combination of leadership, passion and commitment that Jon portrays. In Jon’s tenure he increased service delivery by more than 1500% and increased annual revenue by tenfold. Jon is a natural entrepreneur and out of the box thinker. In the last 10 years, he led multiple startups and consolidations, formed numerous partnerships, launched 4 for-profit businesses that generated revenue to offset therapy for low-income families who cannot afford services. This creative approach has not only reduced our reliance on private and public funding, but it has also attracted talent and investors to the company that CTC would never have otherwise been able to collaborate with.

Greg McDonald, Consultant

Jon facilitated the development of several new therapy centers, guided us through the challenging and ever-changing world of health care and decreasing insurance reimbursements, and has helped our little seedling of a therapy center blossom into a staff of over 125 employees on 7 teams and in three cities. I have further observed and appreciated Jon’s leadership style during that time in terms of his proactive and innovative thinking, his ability to inspire, and his refusal to think inside the box. He is not afraid to ask hard questions and to wrestle with the answers, even when they are not the answers one would want to hear.

Joli LaBissoniere, Program Director

Jon’s natural humility belies his multiple talents and abilities. While most people tend to exhibit strengths in one primary area—finance, writing, entrepreneurship, social interactions, creative pursuits—Jon is unusually gifted in many. Although he could use his knowledge to intimidate others, I cannot recall a single instance in which he claimed any portion of the spotlight despite being more than capable of doing so. Jon is someone that his staff wants to follow versus someone who commands an audience simply because of a title.

Claire Acey, Communication Director

Under Jon’s leadership, we have transitioned from renting one building to owning six. We grew from one neurodevelopmental center to three. We can also boast now of maintaining professional Billing, Accounting, IT, Facilities, and Development Departments …. with most of these services being hired out on occasion to other organizations! On all fronts, Jon Botten has transformed a group of therapists with a dream into a well-rounded, professional medical organization and the largest and most comprehensive provider of pediatric therapy services in the State of Washington.

David Buckles, Director of Facilities

Jon is the epitome of a Strategic Impact leader. For over 30 years he has been committed to developing and scaling stronger organizations, healthier communities, and a better world for all. I have never seen anyone work as hard, or with as much courage, to improve the performance of organizations and the lives of those they exist to serve. Additionally, Jon’s ability to form mergers and alliances to drive greater collective impact is unsurpassed in our industry.

Megan Beers, PhD, Consultant

Jon is a humble, thoughtful, and credible leader. He is ambitious, motivated, and community service oriented. He is whole-heatedly committed to equal opportunity and outcomes for all children, families, and communities. He is results-driven as evidenced in the volume of accomplishments he has led in the 35+ years I’ve known him.

Fritz Gere, PrincipalTahoma School District

Jon is decisive, strategic, optimistic while also being realistic, intelligent, inquisitive, collaborative, dedicated, devoted and committed to attaining the objectives of the organization. If you are familiar with the concept of business leaders as Visionaries, Implementers, or Managers, Jon is a combination of Visionary and Implementer. He is definitely the type of person who moves the needle and makes a positive impact.

Janet Bliss, CFO